This chapter focuses on Harry’s time stationed near the Struma Plain in Greece.
Harry describes the vast and challenging terrain of the Struma Plain and the importance of scouting for enemy activity. Harry recounts the daily life of the soldiers, including trench duty, patrol work, and the challenges of the harsh climate.
Harry describes interactions with the local villagers and his efforts to survive in the war-torn region. Harry finds moments of humour and resilience, even in the face of adversity.
Harry describes his role in observing enemy activity from his observation post, including noting the movements of troops and identifying potential targets for artillery fire.
Harry recounts his involvement in capturing enemy soldiers and interrogating them to gather intelligence.
Harry describes encounters with enemy patrols, including a daring exchange of fire and the capture of prisoners.
Military Training and Duties: Harry recounts his training and duties, including scouting, mapmaking, and participation in military operations.
The book “Trenches and Trees” is available from Amazon, and many online book stores.